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​As your EAP service partner, we're here to provide immediate, professional support to your esteemed team members. Our goal? To boost their wellbeing and support them during difficult times; we collaborate closely with our clients, working towards their goals to achieve the best outcomes for their staff.

WHY EAP is important?

Mental Health Support - EAPs provide timely intervention and support for a wide range of issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and family.


Improved Employee Morale - When employees feel that their employer genuinely cares about their well-being, it can significantly enhance their morale and job satisfaction.


Increased Productivity - By addressing personal and work-related problems, EAPs help employees stay focused and productive at work.


Reduced Absenteeism - Employees who receive support through EAPs are less likely to take time off due to personal issues.


Enhanced Team Dynamics - EAPs offer resources to help resolve workplace conflicts, a healthy work environment fosters better teamwork and collaboration.


Cost Savings - By reducing absenteeism, turnover, and healthcare costs, EAPs can save companies money in the long run.


Better Retention - Prioritizing employee well-being can significantly lower turnover rates, as staff are more inclined to remain with an organization that prioritizes their health and happiness.


Positive Reputation - Organisations known for caring about their employees' well-being often attract top talent and have a positive public image.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Our team helps care for your staff

so they can serve well in both their

workplace and private lives


Caring for your team through counselling sessions

We are able to provide the standard EAP model providing up to six sessions of professional counselling. We're here to support each staff member, ensuring they obtain optimal benefits from the counselling process.

We generally adopt a solution-focused approach but not limited, complemented by empathy and therapeutic relationships, to ensure that your staff members derive the maximum benefit from their short-term counselling experience.


We are committed to providing services that are accessible and flexible, embodying the utmost in professional standards.


Our services are conveniently located in Yangebup, South Perth, and Victoria Park. We also offer phone and telehealth options through our secure video platform. We're open Monday through Friday, from 9am to 7pm, depending on location and day.


Our EAP counselling is designed to provide prompt, effective support for any issue affecting an employee's life. Upon contact, our friendly admin and reception team will schedule an appointment with the most appropriate counsellor within 3 to 10 days.

Caring for your team through
professional development workshops

We are available to provide professional development workshops. Some of our themes and topics cover anything from handling stress, conflict, self-care, and the value of quiet moments/rest in a busy life schedule.


All our workshops are grounded in a biblical worldview and are available in 2-hour, 4-hour, or full-day sessions.

The cost depends on attendee numbers, workshop duration, and printed materials.

Some of Our Available Workshops 

  • Identifying stress, understanding the window of tolerance, recognizing the impact of stress, its stages, and learning how to monitor, maneuver, manage, and maintain stress

  • Importance of Solitude, Surrender, and Being Still

  • Running the Race Well using Biblical Principles

  • Anxiety, Overwhelm, and Window of Tolerance

  • Mental Health Workshop

  • Seeking a Balanced Life

  • Burnout and Self-care

We can also design customized workshops to cater to the specific needs of your team. 


Get more information about our tailored events and workshops here.

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Enhancing the wellbeing of your staff

so they can perform better at work

Key Principals of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

  • The EAP will be made available to all permanent staff members at no cost to them.

  • Access to the EAP will be voluntary.

  • Counselling will be provided by qualified professional counsellors or psychologists.

  • Strictest confidentiality will be maintained.

  • Staff members seeking assistance will not jeopardise their employment in any way.

  • The EAP service will be conducted by Connections Healthcare Centre, independent of the contracting company.

You can also download an overview of our EAP proposal here.

Get in Touch

Take the first step towards planning your EAP program today.

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